Europe 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005

Sunset at Scheveningen

After long day of walking and exploring the Den Haag Central, is a good to be back at Scheveningen for a relax time of the evening, and enjoy a very beautiful sunset.
Yeap ..... a wonderful sunset at the beach of Scheveningen.


Sunday, August 28, 2005

The World Peace Flame ...... Den Haag

I am not sure how many people know this Flame, I am sure not one of those who knew it until today!

I actually accidentally discover this World Peace Flame!

And here is the flame in the stone ........ look closely and you can see the World Peace Flame!


A walk in the sculpture forest of Den Haag

Somehow, I find there is a lot of sculpture in Den Haag. Almost every corner I turn, there is one standing in front of me.

So I decide, why not join the crowd, and join 1 of the "handsome" one who wear tie ...... can't let them steal all the lime light!

Smile tin man, you are on Candid Camera!


Den Haag ...... a real walk in the town after 4 weeks here

Yeap! I had been here in Den Haag, Netherlands for 4 weeks, and this is the only day which I truely went out to explore Den Haag Central (Centrum).

It seem like there is a sculpture event going on in Den Haag. You can see sculpture everywhere! Here is some of them:

Me and something which look like 2 people?


Saturday, August 27, 2005

A walk in the church .... continue part 3

This is the mausoleum of Prince William of Orange.

The mausoleum is formed by 4 large niches in which the bronze female figures stand. On the niches rests a canopy beneath which there are 2 statues of the Prince. The most striking is the dead Prince, carved from white marble, lying on a bed carved from the same block of marble.

At his feet lies his dog which, according to tradition, refused to eat and drink after the death of its master and finally died from hunger and thirst.


A walk in the church .... continue

A lot more photos coming up ..... here is some of the stained glass windows in the Nieuwe Kerk! It is really beautiful ......

The Hugo Grotius window:
The Sea-Beggars window:


A walk in the church .... Nieuwe Kerk

A glance in to the New Church! Is not as big or elegant like The Great Church of St Bavo, but it sure worth to pay a visit. It cost you Euro 2.50 (for the Nieuwe Kerk, and Oude Kerk).


OK ..... fourth weekend in Netherlands ...... Delft

OK, I survived the fourth week in Netherlands. And this weekend, I went to Delft, a lovely historical town, just 2km from Rijswijk, Den Haag (where I work). Err .... what happend to the other weekends? I will put it up in good time .... :-D

This is a quiet historical town with its town square is surrounded by canal ...... err ...... seem like a lot of town in Netherlands is surrounded by canal. Anyway, Delft is famous for its Delftware - the delicate blue and white ceramics to which the town gave its name in the seventeenth century (this is from The Rough Guide to Europe 2005).

Delft is a quiet town compare to Armsterdam or Rotterdam, which is much modern city. Like, I said is a quite town. Most part of the Delft had been destroyed in fire which happend in 1536 (a lightning strike the Nieuwe Kerk), and one more in 1654 (explosion at the army gunpowder storage). Most part of the Delft town was rebuilt, or restored to its original stage.

Beside being a historic city, Delft is very much lively and atmospheric place. There is many bars, cafes, restaurants, and cosy hotels and abundance of shops.

I don't really go to church, but I went to 2 churches today in Delft - the new church - Nieuwe Kerk and the old church - Oude Kerk. Both of these churches still held Sunday service every Sunday, but I went on Saturday.

Here is the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church):

And here is the Oude Kerk (Old Chuch):


Friday, August 26, 2005

The blog is back log!

OK! Due to my limited access to the Internet. Most of these blogs is back log! I am only writing and posting photos whenever possible.

But, never the less, I just want to share the time I am in Netherlands with you ......


Saturday, August 06, 2005

A view of Bastion Hotel


Hey! I see all the Netherlands in 1 day!

Yeap, you can see the whole Netherlands in 1 day! Here is some proof ......

This is the minituate town of Armsterdam, isn't it beautiful?

Here in Scheveningen, a miniature reproduction of Netherlands, from a small Dutch town to its precise - albeit tiny - reproductions of historic buildings in the Netherlands. It really a handy shotcut to a sightseeing itinerary. There is a "working" port, an extensive railway network and some interesting details reflecting contemporary Dutch life.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Me and my gang

Yeap .... this is all of us who came to Netherlands together! A bunch "nice" guys! Ha ha ha .... really nice chaps here, espeacially the one taking this shot, thank you Arman! You my "man"!

Group photo!


Thursday, August 04, 2005

First day out ...... to Den Haag Central

OK! After a couuple of "hard work" days in the office, My host in Netherlands (who I shall not name here) give me (and my gang) half a day off to see around the center of Den Haag (The Hague. Netherlands).

So what did we do for the first weekend out? Here is some photos ...... we just go sight seeing ...... window shopping, and also try out some of the food in Den Haag Central.

OK. Where is me? Yeap I am the guy behind the ...... camera lah!

Ok ....... we did go in to check out what is in the store ...... but we didn't buy any though ....... is very EXPENSIVE!

I had my dinner out ..... in a Turkey restaurant ..... food not bad, price quite reasonable as well.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

This is my hotel room

So, let take a tour inside the hotel room.
This is an overview of the room. Opps ..... it is a bit messy .....

My room have 2 beds ..... but only 1 is used ..... he he he .....

Errmm ....Hmmm .... This is the toilet/bathroom ......


Hey! This where I stay for a week ...... Bastion Hotel

Hi! This is the hotel where I stay for the first week in Netherlands - Bastion Hotel in Rijswijk!

Is not a bad place at all. In fact, I said it is a good place to stay. It is clean and the staff is pleasant and polite and helpful too! The only complain I had would be the food! Yeap, not much of variety and the one I took, really disappointing (my taste)! But it is within walking distance to the company!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Scenary on the way to Den Haag HS

On the way to Den Haag HS


On the way to Den Haag Holland Spoor

On the train toward to Den Haag Holland Spoor ... the train is really fast ....

Reached Den Haag HS in .... 30 minutes!


Finally .... arrive at Schipol, Netherlands

WOW! After 12 hours ++ of flight, finally reached Schipol airport.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Waiting at Singapore airport

Waiting to get up the flight to Netherlands


1 August ...... on my way to Netherlands!

Finally, company had decided when I am going to Netherlands - 1 August 2005, is a MONDAY!

I will be taking a flight to Singapore and then transit to KLM to Netherlands ...... 2 hours in Singapore!

And believe or not .... 2 hours just past! Nearly missed the flight as I only got the boarding pass at 10pm and the flight is taking off at 10.30pm! Just in time ....


Going to Netherlands for 3 months!

Yeap! I am the lucky 1! I will going to Netherlands for 3 months for on-site training and hands-on!

This is an opportunity for me!

There will be 4 more of my collegues going to Netherlands with me ..... this should be fun and enjoyable!

Oh yes ... all this posting is a bit back dated as I only start writing this down after the first week I am in Netherlands .... and out of boredom ..... and also as a log for the things I do/did and my feeling about Netherlands!

Just a blog for me to write!
