Europe 2005

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Kinderdijk .... finally

Finally ...... Kinderdijk. Don't have time to put in some thoughts today .... really tired ... but a photo mean a thousand words, so enjoy.


Opps .... I went to Armsterdam

Opps ...... I didn't go to Kinderdijk! I went to Armsterdam ...... the city of damn! :-D

He he he ..... My friend brought me around Armsterdam for sight seeing .....

I went to the Flower Market at Vijzelstraat - is a stretch of shops beside the canal, which sell quite some nice and cheap stuff there, like tulip seeds, flower seeds (no ideal what kind), souvenior, Delftware .....

And then we walk down to the Museum Plein, where there is a few famous muzium like Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, and Stedelijk Museum. Didn't go into any muzium it was quite late and most of muziums close at 5pm.

But the main attraction of Armsterdam only start at night ...... yeap ...... you are right the famous RLD (Red Light District) in Oudezijds Archtecburgwal and Zeedijk, just around Oude Zijde. So since it was still quite early, we decided to have a walk in the park

Oh .... and this is a very special bike where people is cycling and drinking beer ..... cool .....

Ok .... the night is finally here ..... and is time to explore the night life in Armsterdam! Red Light District here I come! :-D
Anyway, is a really eyes opening experience ..... young, pretty, exortic girls in their bikini posing in front of a very big windows frame, their sweet face is and nice curve of the body ..... opps .... sorry for dwelling here. Unfortunately no photo allow .... so can't really share it here with you. Here is just a photo of me and a friend there at the bridge ....... literally both side is with all the Red Light District ....


Friday, September 16, 2005

Another weekend coming .....

Oh .... so fast .... is Friday today! Time is flying by ..... another 1 and half months I will be on my way back to Malaysia.

So, what is my plan for tomorrow? My colleagues and I will be going to a place where there is a lot of windmill - Kinderdijk. More details, check here

Any way, as I was on my way back to the apartment in Scheveningen, there was some commotion when I stopped at one of the tram station waiting for Tram 1. There were some HTM security (Ticket checker officer), who went up the tram which just arrived. There was something happend on it - I am not sure what but the tram was on halt! And then, I saw the security officer dragging a guy out of the tram's rear door! The guy put out a fight and refuse to step out ...... but eventually the HTM officer manager to get him off the tram. It didn't end there ...... the guy didn't really like what the officer did, so he was pushing him and he seem like want to hit the officer. The commotion was going on for 10-15 minutes, and then the HTM officers stop a police car, and the guy who was fighting the HTM officer was arrested! I was not able to take any photo ...... too afraid that I was being beaten as well if I take photo.

So that all for today! Will update again after my trip to Kinderdijk!


Sunday, September 11, 2005

China Town in Rotterdam

OK this is not really the whole China Town in Rotterdam. This is the China Town Center.

And this is one of the street of China Town. This is also one of the busiest street on Rotterdam.


Another in Rotterdam

Today, I went down to Rotterdam to visit a friend! We have some really nice "Dim Sum" in 1 of the Chinese Restaraunt in Rotterdam, somewhere near the Rotterdam Central Station.

Then I went to a walk at Het Park where the Euromast, an observation platform tower rises above the trees to a height of 185 meters. The observation platform at 100 meters, offers a panoramic view of the city and port. It is really a breathtaking view of Rotterdam!

View of Rotterdam above the Euromast.


Delft again!

This weekend I been back to Delft and Rotterdam! The above is the Town Hall in front of Markt.

Yeap! Delft is really a marvelous place! And so happend this last Saturday, it was the Open Monuments Day! Almost every churches, muziums, monuments. The following is from online website:

Open Monuments Day with Religious Heritage as its central theme
The Open Monumentendagen take place in the weekend of 10 and 11 September, during which monuments throughout the entire country will be open to visitors and special activities will take place. This year’s main theme is religious heritage. In addition to churches and chapels, these include almshouses, monasteries and convents,mosques, synagogues, and Buddhist temples. Take in a bicycle route by the Dordrecht cemeteries, a themed boat trip through the Delft canals, follow a pilgrim’s route through Gouda and Schiedam, or view the Hague almshouses.


Unfortunately, I knew it too late! I only knew about this marvelous day on the day itself! And on Saturday, it was raining in Delft when I was there! So, I only got to visit couple of places before the closing time!


Summer is almost over ......

Summer is almost over here in Netherlands!

You can smell it in the air, see it on the trees ......

You can also feel it in the cool air around you!


Monday, September 05, 2005

The market in Delft .... antique and flea market

There is a variety of marktes in Delft, ranging from flowers and plants, arts, and antique, and even a flea market during the summer.

Here is a very nice gentleman selling some all stuff from his basement (spring cleaning?), at the market in Delft!

Look closely, and you might spot some really nice stuff on his table!

See the old black record player infront of him? It is still working and the sound not bad!

See this tiny Coke-cola bottle? It is on sale at the booth as well. For 85 euro, and you can get this real cool antique of Coke collection! Any taker?


Another Monday in Netherlands

Yeap! Survive the weekend, and now is time to work - IT IS MONDAY!

Anyway, work is quite ok here, as most of my colleagues here in Rijswijk is very helpful and friendly, and best of all - They all speak ENGLISH! Ha ha ha ha ...... it is a good thing to me as I don't really think I will pick Dutch fast enough before is time for me to go home.

Been here for over a week now, and had been working and learning from the people here, but kind of still got a lot of things to learn and very little time (2 months!)! I am not sure whether after I go back to Malaysia, I will be able to fully understand the system I need to support. But I sure will try my best!

Not much of photos as I stayed in Den Haag for the past weekend. But stay tune as I will update some of the places I visited before!


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Today ..... I went into Den Haag Central (again)

Yeap! I went into Den Haag Central today! Thought there was a flea market of art but it was not today but on Sunday!

So, instead of seeing antique and bad drawing (I have no ideal what the artist trying to do!), I went to windows shopping at the Central!

Initially was not planning to buy anything, just want to see and no buy! But then I went into a IT mall! You know me, if I see gadget, it is hard for me to resist the temptation of buying. But luckily, the exchange currency stopped me most of the time! Though the things are quite reasonable price, and some I would said cheap as compare to M'sia (assume $1 to $1).

At the end, I bought a DVD movie set "Taken", it should be nice - is about alien abduction, by Steven Spieldberg; a spare camera battery for my Minolta camera; and a 1GB MP3 player!


Where I am?

Hmm .... I had been shifted to Scheveningen for almost 3 weeks, and I haven't show you all where I am staying yet.

OK ....... Here is it! This is the living room:

Here is the dining room:

Kitchen, which I only cook maggi mee so far:

Opps ... My room .... a bit messy ...
and last but not least .... the bathroom:
