Europe 2005

Monday, September 05, 2005

Another Monday in Netherlands

Yeap! Survive the weekend, and now is time to work - IT IS MONDAY!

Anyway, work is quite ok here, as most of my colleagues here in Rijswijk is very helpful and friendly, and best of all - They all speak ENGLISH! Ha ha ha ha ...... it is a good thing to me as I don't really think I will pick Dutch fast enough before is time for me to go home.

Been here for over a week now, and had been working and learning from the people here, but kind of still got a lot of things to learn and very little time (2 months!)! I am not sure whether after I go back to Malaysia, I will be able to fully understand the system I need to support. But I sure will try my best!

Not much of photos as I stayed in Den Haag for the past weekend. But stay tune as I will update some of the places I visited before!



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